11 Metadata Types

eo Minimal eo metadata for products without custom fields.
eo3 Default EO3 with no custom fields
eo3_intertidal EO3 for DEA Intertidal
eo3_landsat_ard EO3 for ARD Landsat Collection 3
eo3_landsat_l1 EO3 for Level 1 Landsat, GA Collection 3
eo3_sentinel EO3 with common Sentinel fields
eo3_sentinel_ard EO3 for Sentinel 2 ARD
gqa_eo Minimal eo metadata for products with GQA.
landsat_l1_scene Scene-based Level1 Landsat data
landsat_scene Scene-based Landsat data
telemetry telemetry datasets. Type of datasets produced by the eodatasets library. (or of similar structure) https://github.com/GeoscienceAustralia/eo-datasets