metadata type of 4 products
Scene-based Level1 Landsat data

Searchable Fields 🔗

instrument string Instrument name
lat double-range Latitude range
lon double-range Longitude range
platform string Platform code
sat_path numeric-range Landsat path
sat_row numeric-range Landsat row
time datetime-range Acquisition time

Additional Fields 🔗

ancillary_quality string Ancillary quality
creation_time datetime Time when dataset was created (processed)
dataset_type_id string ID of a dataset type
format string File format (GeoTIFF, NetCDF)
gqa double GQA Circular error probable (90%)
gqa_abs_iterative_mean_xy double Mean of the absolute values of the GCP residuals after removal of outliers
gqa_abs_xy double Absolute value of the total GCP residual
gqa_cep90 double Circular error probable (90%) of the values of the GCP residuals
gqa_error_message string GQA Error Message
gqa_final_gcp_count integer GQA GCP Count
gqa_iterative_mean_xy double Mean of the values of the GCP residuals after removal of outliers
gqa_iterative_stddev_xy double Standard Deviation of the values of the GCP residuals after removal of outliers
gqa_mean_xy double Mean of the values of the GCP residuals
gqa_ref_source string GQA reference imagery collection name
gqa_stddev_xy double Standard Deviation of the values of the GCP residuals
gsi string Ground Station Identifier (eg. ASA)
id string Dataset UUID
indexed_by string User who indexed the dataset
indexed_time string When dataset was indexed
label string Label
metadata_doc string Full metadata document
metadata_type string Metadata type name of dataset
metadata_type_id string ID of a metadata type
orbit string Orbit number
product string Product name
product_level string Product Level (eg. L1T)
product_type string Product code
uri string Dataset URI

Definition 🔗